It’s spring, and this is traditionally a time to detoxify the body from a long winter! This isn’t new news. spring detoxification has been a regularly practiced protocol in many cultures. Even for our ancestors living in the cleanest environments, winter was a time of less fresh food and more time inside. …Giving the body a healthy purging could set you up for more energy in the longer summer days to come. Here is a pretty simple recipe I stumbled onto via Daniel Vitalis. He whips up a morning herbal detox that can help you get rid of some of the Sh**t stored up inside after all those winter lagers…all of which were well worth it 😉 It is an easy yet very effective introduction to a detox strategy.


So if Daniel’s suggest on blending butter into your drink for detox raises your eye brow, and sends up a red flag in your head, then I encourage you to watch this video or check out the information below it. Contrary to conventional dietary suggestions, butter in fact is an amazing health promoting food.

Butter has been a dietary staple of many cultures for thousands of years, with no evidence of adverse health effects. For millennia, people around the globe prized butter for its abundant health benefits, not to mention culinary appeal.

Butter, especially raw organic butter from grass-pastured cows, is a wealth of nutrition and nourishing fats. Research points to the fact that butter may have both short-term and long-term benefits for your health.

A Swedish study found that fat levels in your blood are lower after eating a meal rich in butter than after eating one rich in olive oil, canola oil, or flaxseed oil.9 The scientists’ main explanation is that about 20 percent of butterfat consists of short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which are used right away for quick energy and therefore don’t contribute to fat levels in your blood.

The other oils (olive oil, canola, flax, etc.) contain only long-chain fatty acids. Therefore, a significant portion of the butter you consume is used immediately for energy—sort of like a carbohydrate. The primary nutrients found in butter are outlined in the table below. For more information on the health benefits of butter, refer to this classic article “Why Butter is Better” by the Weston A. Price Foundation.10

read the full article here

March 26, 2014 WOD

Deadlift 3×8 heaviest possible
tabata: handstand hold
** 8 rounds for 15 seconds on/ 15 seconds rest**
For time: complete the following:
50 calorie row
50 wallball
30 powerclean
30 burpee
10 pistol/side