Here is a pretty awesome guest post via Endof3 Fitness on some ideas for the youngsters. Some of them are funny, other playful, and some are quite insightful…

Here are the first 10…

1.) The girls worth being with don’t really care about the size of your biceps.

2.) 99% of the supplements out there aren’t worth it.

3.) Don’t worry too much about “getting big”.

4.) Fitness should be fun, make it that way and keep it that way.

5.) Strength is the key to being good at everything, from running to rugby.

6.) Learn to juggle, it helps more with athleticism than you think.

7.) Don’t specialize in anything…UNLESS specialization is fun, or will lead to scholarships :).

8.) Running isn’t fun, but neither is taking out the trash, homework or taxes…and they are all still 100% necessary.

9.) Get to know yourself by pushing yourself. Most never learn who they really are.

10.) Don’t quit. Ever.

Check out the other 40 here.

 March 13, 2014 WOD


7×1 Snatch- 1 hang power snatch + 1 snatch push press + 1 snatch balance (heaviest possible on all sets)


100 double unders
50 wall balls
25 kb swings
50 wall balls
100 double unders
RX  20/14 70/53
Lv2 14/12 53/36
LV1  10/8 44/36