First off, happy weekend. I hope you all had a good week of WODs. How about them “super squats” …really 20 reps? …unfortunatly that was not an April Fools joke. However your Posterior chain will thank you for it in the end (for the non-technical, posterior chain refers to the muscles in the back half of your body- hamstrings, glutes, etc)

Any way, tonight’s post goes out to all the ladies in the gym, and in particularly the mammas. The other night we talked about testosterone, and how the men in the house can hack their T-levels naturally. Tonight however, we are going to bring up a topic that has received a big wave of publicity in the media over the past few months.

That tis- exercise and pregnancy.

Do it, don’t do it?

Is it safe? How much is safe? How should you scale?

…If you did not recognize the chick above, her name is Lea-Ann Ellison. Over the past few months, she has received a lot of coverage in the media regarding a picture she posted doing an OHS (overhead squat) with a baby in here belly. Naturally like most online chatter, the negative commentary was childish and biased….a classic case of reactionary response if you will.

However, it is still safe to ask the question…Is it safe to exercise when pregnant? The conventional idea of pregnancy is that moms should spend there days on bed rest and make sure to not do any strenuous activities.But however, with a little more insight and exploration into the topic, research is telling us that it is actually not only safe but in fact, a healthy practice.  Believe it or not, the benefits that you enjoy from exercise, is also shared in the womb. Cardiovascular health, hormonal balance, and healthy brain function are all benefits that your little tot is getting before he even enters the world.

Still though, it is important to recognize that how you approach exercise is going to be different. Movements and intensity needs to be scaled accordingly.

For more info on how to help your kiddo be awesome, check out these links. They are pretty informative, and provide some insightful content on the the topic.

The High-Performance Pregnancy

The Better Baby Book


Fit during Pregnancy

Home-Based Exercise Training Improves Capillary Glucose Profile in GDM Women.