Mar 2014

Open WOD 14.4

Alright folks, we are hitting the home stretch. three down, two to go. And this one is no short trip. In fact it might just be the hardest one yet. That’s OK though

So in the past three Open WODs we saw only two movements each.

14.1 snatch & double under

14.2 overhead squat & chest to bar

14.3 deadlift & box jump

14.4…..well 14.4 is a little different. It has six movements. YUP six. This workout is called a chipper. I.E. you chip away at each movement. This is not a “pull the trigger” type of workout. If you attempt that, you are going to be pretty much done by the time you get to the barbell. We don’t want that. SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE


March 22, 2014 WOD

Workout 14.4

14 minute AMRAP:
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots,
20 / 14 lb.
30 cleans, 135 / 95 lb.
20 muscle-ups