Jul 2013
We are planning on putting an order in for some woman’s tanks and mens tees in the next day or so. We will be taking pre-orders for anyone looking to save 15%. These are going to be good ones so don’t miss out! We are always looking for shirt ideas so if your are the least bit creative (unlike myself) and want to help us design the next batch let
Jul 2013
Great job and a big thanks to everyone who participated in the Hope for Cures WOD/Fundraiser this past Saturday. Everyone sweat their hearts out and had a good time doing it! All of your donations coupled with the rest of the CrossFit Community from this event has raised $440,075.00 so far this year. Truly amazing how one community can make such a difference. July 8, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift
Jul 2013
Today at CrossFit Magnitude along with CrossFitters globally, we will be WOD’n in an effort to help raise awareness, offer hope, and show how much of an impact a community can have when we all pull together. Here is a little short of Greg Glassman explaining CrossFit’s Hope For Cures. A lesson to be learned If you would like to make a donation you can do so in person
“Those who say it can’t be done shouldn’t interrupt those who are doing it.” – Chinese proverb July 3, 2013 WOD Skill Medicine ball clean & jerk Strength Spend 20 minutes working on your Clean & jerk technique and its prerequisites such as the dead lift and front squat. Conditioning Complete 7 rounds for time of: 10 med ball clean 10/6 pull up Rx – 20/14 Lv2 – 14/12
Jul 2013
This upcoming Saturday, July 6, we will be WOD’n in support of CrossFit’s Hope for Cures initiative. Every cent raised will be used to fight catastrophic children’s illnesses. CrossFit, Inc. covers all administrative and clerical costs in this battle, which leverages your donation to maximal effect, and delivers aid at high intensity with no waste. We can behave like CrossFit athletes even in our generosity. If you don’t plan on
Jul 2013
So it is officially farewell to Coach Chuck!!! I am not sure anyone enjoyed his presence as much as I did. Chuck will be seriously missed! Happy trails bud… I would like to welcome Coach Rich and Coach Brandi to our coaching staff! If you have not had a class with either of the two, what are you waiting for?!?! It is all about perspective and they both have one
Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it. -Plato June 29, 2013 WOD Skill Spend 15 minutes working on any weakness (your goats) Conditioning For time: 30 ground to overhead Once the clock starts perform 10 burpees as a buy-in before you begin the ground to overhead. Every minute that elapses on your way to 30 G2O,
Jun 2013
Front squats are an exercise that many share a love-hate relationship with. On the one hand it is profound in its ability to improve your overall core strength throughout your body. It is also a prerequisite to the clean, which is a must for anyone looking to really increase their athleticism. On the other, it comes as a serious form of punishment to those less prepared in terms of
Jun 2013
Video courtesy of CrossFit.com June 27, 2013 WOD Skill Hand stand push up Strength Push press 4×7 (heaviest possible) Conditioning In 9 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 HSPU 7 power clean 9 box jump Rx – 155/95, 30/24″ Lv2 – 115/75, 24/20″ Lv1 – 75/55, 20/16″
“The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.” GG June 26, 2013 WOD Strength-endurance 1a) 4x max effort chin up (supinated grip) Rest 60 seconds, then 1b) 4x max effort ring dip Rest 60 seconds Skill Row technique Conditioning For time Row 1,000m
Jun 2013
Did anyone else catch Nik Wallenda become the first human being to tight rope walk the Grand Canyon. Nik courageously walked – untethered – over 1400 feet from end to end which amounts to over 4 football fields across! If Nik were to succumb to any of the stressors presented by the walk (overpowering wind gust, mental or physical fatigue, mechanical failure of the line, etc…) about 1,500 feet
June 22, 2013 WOD Skill Handstand push up practice Conditioning Team WOD In teams of 2, complete the following: 20 minute AMRAP of: 30 wall balls 100m left arm kb farmers walk 30 box jump 100m right arm kb farmers walk 30 overhead squat 100m sprint Rx – 20/14, 53/44, 45/35 Lv2 – 14/12, 44/36, 35/25 Lv1 – 10/8, 36/25, 25/15 5 burpee penalty if athlete
Jun 2013
Looks like it’s shaping up to be another hot weekend! As always, drink plenty of fluids (not just beer and wine) and replace any fluid loss from activites as soon as possible. Some ways to know dehydration is starting to set in… -Increased heart rate -Increased blood pressure -Increased ratings of perceived exertion (how hard something feels while doing it) -Dark urine -Chapped lips Dont let dehydration get the best
Jun 2013
Here is Glenn Pendlay himself explaining what the Pendlay row is and how to perform it correctly. This great movement is fundamental in developing a strong back from top to bottom. June 20, 2013 WOD Strength Pendlay row 4×6 (heaviest possible) Conditioning 4 Rounds for time of: 400m run 20 knees to elbow
Jun 2013
People CrossFit as a means to many different ends. For some it is a way to relieve stress. Others do it to lose to flab and look great. Many do it for the competitiveness. You can CrossFit as a way to increase longevity. CrossFit will help you add strength and muscle. It will also prepare you for all sport and recreation. CrossFit will improve every bit of your life. Why
Jun 2013
Heres a great article out of the CrossFit Journal archives on the Press written by Mark Rippetoe. Mark does a great job explaining what the press is and is not. Take a moment to learn why this movement is not just another exercise, but a movement pattern ingrained into our genetic makeup… The Press June 18, 2013 WOD Strength Press 4×5 (strict) heaviest possible Conditioning In 9 minutes, complete as
Jun 2013
I’ve been hearing more and more from people who are practicing mindfulness meditative techniques and from the sounds of it, the benefits are quite amazing. After stumbling up THIS article on www.huffingtonpost.com concerning the latest science behind meditation, I think there is nothing to lose and everything to gain from setting your mind free… Meditative Mindfulness June 17, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift – 1×5@70%, 3×3@80%, 3×1@90% Conditioning For time, complete sets
June 15, 2013 WOD Skill Spend 20 minutes working on any goats. Conditioning Team WOD In teams of two, complete 5 rounds for time of: 20 sumo dead lift high pull 100 double unders 40 kb swing 100m overhead plate carry Rx – 95/75, 45/25 Lv2 – 75/55, 45/25 Lv1 – 55/35, 25/15
Jun 2013
As CrossFitters, and more importantly, as human beings, we require a certain base range of motion to perform basics tasks in our everyday lives. In this video, Kelly Starrett of MWOD.com shows us some basic mobility techniques for the upper body that, when performed as an everyday maintenance piece, will help free up those restricted joints that are slowing down your progress or keeping you from performing (at CrossFit or life) in
“If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~Bruce Lee June 13, 2013 WOD Strength Hi-hang snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 (heaviest possible) Conditioning In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 hang power snatch 100m
Jun 2013
Are you having trouble getting into the bottom of a squat without rolling your knees and ankles inwards? Can you not seem to maintain torque and support down there without falling over backwards? Given that everything up stream is in check, how are those ankles? Check out this video courtesy of Kelly Starrett and MWOD.com where he offers an explanation of this fault and a quick fix that anyone can
Jun 2013
“There is simply no other exercise, and certainly no machine, that produces the level of central nervous system activity, improved balance and coordination, skeletal loading and bone density enhancement, muscular stimulation and growth, connective tissue stress and strength, psychological demand and toughness, and overall systemic conditioning than the correctly performed full squat.” – Mark Rippetoe June 8, 2013 WOD Spend 20 minutes working on a goat(s) Conditioning Team WOD In
As CrossFitters, we train hard and reap the many benefits it offers us. But that is only half of the equation. Eating good healthy organic foods to fuel our efforts and help us recover is the other half. With food prices going through the roof, especially the healthy good for us types, it is for some of us a hard pill to swallow every time we check out at the
“The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible.” – Arthur C. Clarke June 6, 2013 WOD Strength Box squat 8×3 @ 50% 1rm Conditioning For time, complete the following: 100 wall ball 100 jumping pull up Rx – 20/14 Lv2 – 14/12 Lv1 – 12/10
Jun 2013
I witnessed more PR’s today than any other time in my life! It was truly amazing to see so many people reach a level that not even they could have imagined just a few months prior. As a coach, there is no better feeling than to watch someone achieve what was once something they considered to be impossible to do! I am still at a loss of words…WOW! Here are