So it is officially farewell to Coach Chuck!!!  I am not sure anyone enjoyed his presence as much as I did.  Chuck will be seriously missed!  Happy trails bud…

I would like to welcome Coach Rich and Coach Brandi to our coaching staff!  If you have not had a class with either of the two, what are you waiting for?!?!  It is all about perspective and they both have one to share with you.   The more resources you surround yourself with in life the broader the view you will have.   This certainly applies to fitness as well.  If you are currently locked onto training under one coach because you have grown comfortable, you are not taking the most effective approach to getting the most out of CrossFit and thus yourself.  Change it up!  We all teach and learn differently.  Who knows, maybe someone will help you finally make it click!



Kira making that fire look awfully COOL!

Kira catching some rays!

July 1, 2013 WOD


Dead lift – 7×5 @ 75% of your 1rm


For time:

750m Row

70 air squat

60 sit up

50 push up

40 pull up