Jun 2013

PR Central!

I witnessed more PR’s today than any other time in my life!  It was truly amazing to see so many people reach a level that not even they could have imagined just a few months prior. As a coach, there is no better feeling than to watch someone achieve what was once something they considered to be impossible to do!  I am still at a loss of words…WOW!

Here are just a few of the notable Pr’s recorded from yesterday.  There were over 35 PR’s set in total!!!

June 4, 2013 WOD


Hang snatch (squat) – work up to a heavy double and then perform 2 every 40 seconds for  8 rounds


5 rounds for time of:

12 overhead squat

12 toes to bar


Rx – 115/85

Lv2 – 85/55

Lv1 – 55/25