Are you having trouble getting into the bottom of a squat without rolling your knees and ankles inwards?  Can you not seem to maintain torque and support down there without falling over backwards?  Given that everything up stream is in check, how are those ankles?  Check out this video courtesy of Kelly Starrett and where he offers an explanation of this fault and a quick fix that anyone can do.

June 11, 2013 WOD


Close grip bench press 5×5 (heaviest possible)


In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Air squats

In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Pull ups

In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Push ups

In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Kb swing

In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Wall ball

In 2 minutes perform as many reps as possible of:

Row (calories)

Rx – 52/44, 20/14

Lv2 – 44/36, 14/12

Lv1 – 36/25, 10/8


Score equals total reps