People CrossFit as a means to many different ends.  For some it is a way to relieve stress.  Others do it to lose to flab and look great.  Many do it for the competitiveness.  You can CrossFit as a way to increase longevity.  CrossFit will help you add strength and muscle.  It will also prepare you for all sport and recreation.  CrossFit will improve every bit of your life.  Why do you CrossFit?  Tell us why in the comments below…

June 19, 2013 WOD


Reverse barbell lunge 4-4-4-4-4 (each side)


Complete sets of 35-25-15 for time of:

Pull up

Push up

KB swing


Rx – 53/44

Lv2 – 44/36

Lv1 – 36/25