Front squats are an exercise that many share a love-hate relationship with.  On the one hand it is profound in its ability to improve your overall core strength throughout your body.  It is also a prerequisite to the clean, which is a must for anyone looking to really increase their athleticism.   On the other, it comes as a serious form of punishment to those less prepared in terms of mobility and good positioning.

Watch this  short video of Kelly Starrett from explaining the different types of issues athletes are running into in terms of obtaining good positioning and how you can start working on cleaning it up,

June 28, 2013 WOD


Front squat 7×3 (3 second pause at bottom) – heaviest possible


For time:

“The Friday 500”

150 double unders

125 wall ball

100 jumping pull ups

75 push ups

50 kb swing


Rx – 20/14, 53/44

Lv2 – 14/12, 44/36

Lv1 – 10/8, 36/25