PLEASE READ CAREFULLY – Details on how we plan to keep it safe with a phased reopening of CrossFit Magnitude. How Does Covid-19 Spread? The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet). Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of
Nov 2019
Warm-Up. Two Sets: Kettlebell Halos x 5 each direction Single-Leg Deadlifts x 5 each side Followed by… Two Sets: Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (left) Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (left) x 5 Waiter Carry (left) x 20-30 yards Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (right) Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (right) x 6-8 Waiter Carry (right) x 20-30 yards Followed by… Two Sets: Kettlebell Snatch (left) x 5 Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges
Nov 2019
Warm-Up. Two Sets: Kettlebell Halos x 5 each direction Single-Leg Deadlifts x 5 each side Followed by… Two Sets: Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (left) Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (left) x 5 Waiter Carry (left) x 20-30 yards Kettlebell Windmills x 5 reps (right) Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Press (right) x 6-8 Waiter Carry (right) x 20-30 yards Followed by… Two Sets: Kettlebell Snatch (left) x 5 Overhead Alternating Reverse Lunges
Nov 2019
Warm-Up. Couch Stretch x 60-90 seconds per side Wall Slides x 5-10 sloooooow reps Calf Stretch x 60-90 seconds per side Followed by… Take 10-12 minutes to work on handstand and pistol drills or progressions. Followed by… Air Squats x 15 100 Meter Warm-Up Run Bear Crawl (Robotic Dog-like) x 20 steps forward Bear Crawl (Robotic Dog-like) x 20 steps backward 100 Meter Warm-Up Run Air Squats x 15 Then…
Nov 2019
Warm-Up. Couch Stretch x 60-90 seconds per side Wall Slides x 5-10 sloooooow reps Calf Stretch x 60-90 seconds per side Followed by… Take 10-12 minutes to work on handstand and pistol drills or progressions. Followed by… Air Squats x 15 100 Meter Warm-Up Run Bear Crawl (Robotic Dog-like) x 20 steps forward Bear Crawl (Robotic Dog-like) x 20 steps backward 100 Meter Warm-Up Run Air Squats x 15 Then…
Nov 2019
A. Five sets of: Front Squat x 3 reps @ 85-90% Rest 2-3 minutes B. Three sets for max reps of: 60 seconds of Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs; 24″/20″) 60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups 60 seconds of Toes to Bar 60 seconds of Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg) Rest 60 seconds
Nov 2019
A. Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (4 sets): Minute 1 – 45-Second Wall Sit Minute 2 – 25 Jumping Lunges Minute 3 – 30-Second L-Sit Minute 4 – Glute Bridge off Box x 15 reps @ 2011 Minute 5 – 10 Supine Ring Rows @ 21X0 B. Three sets for max reps of: 60 seconds of Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 60 seconds of Hand-release Push-Ups 60 seconds of
Nov 2019
Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Ski 21/16 Calories Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 2021 Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Row 21/16 Calories Close Grip Bench Press x 10-12 reps Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Bike 21/16 Calories DB Swing to Press X 8-10 reps/arm
Nov 2019
Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Ski 21/16 Calories Power Snatch x 5 @ 70-80% of 1-RM Snatch, increase across rounds. Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Row 21/16 Calories Close Grip Bench Press x 10-12 reps Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Bike 21/16 Calories Dual KB Clean & Jerk X 10 reps
“Clydesdale” 10 rounds for time of: 24 Double-Unders 12 Single-arm KB Turkish Sit-ups (switch arms at 6 reps) 6 DB Thrusters (50/35)
Oct 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes (4 total sets): 1 – Dual KB Sumo Deadlift x 10 reps @ 21X1 2 – DB Floor Press x 15 reps @ 21X1 3 – Barbell Bent-over Row x 10 reps @ 2010 4 – Barbell Roll-out x 15 reps @ 2121
Oct 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed CrossFit Open Workout 20.4 For time: 30 box jumps 15 clean and jerks, 65 | 95 lb. 30 box jumps 15 clean and jerks, 85 | 135 lb. 30 box jumps 10 clean and jerks, 115 | 185 lb. 30 single-leg squats 10 clean and jerks, 145 | 225 lb. 30 single-leg squats 5 clean and jerks, 175 |
“Child’s Play” In 30 minutes, at ~75% effort, complete as many rounds as time permits. 25/20 Calorie Bike 25 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 500 Meter Single Pole Ski 50 Walking Lunge Steps w/KB Rack Hold (36/26) 75/60 Calorie Row 75 KB Swing (53/36) 1 Mile Run 100/75 Push-ups
Oct 2019
A. 3 sets of: Stationary Dips* x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 Rest 45 seconds Strict Chin-upset*x 4-5 reps Rest 90 seconds *add weight to keep you within rep ranges. B. 2 sets of: Kipping Pull-ups – Max unbroken set Rest 60 seconds KB Push Press x 10-12 reps @ 30X1 Rest 2 minutes C. In 9 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 Burpee Lateral Bar Hop 10
Oct 2019
A. 3 sets of: Stationary Dips* x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 Rest 45 seconds Strict Chin-ups* x 4-5 reps Rest 90 seconds *add weight to keep you within rep ranges. B. 2 sets of: Ring Rows – Max unbroken set Rest 60 seconds KB Push Press x 10-12 reps @ 30X1 Rest 2 minutes C. In 9 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 Burpee to 6” target
Oct 2019
A. 3 Touch & Go Deadlift x 3 sets @ 65%-70%-75% Immediately into… 60 second Squat Hold Rest 2-3 minutes B. CFM Test #3 3 rounds for time of: Run 800 Meters 30 Wallballs (20/14) 15 Deadlift (225/155) *Compare to June 19, 2019
Oct 2019
A. Every 75 seconds, for 3 sets: 1 – Supported DB CrossBody Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 2011 2 – Supported DB CrossBody Romanian Deadlift x 8-10 reps @ 2011 3 – Wall Sit with Dual KB Farmers Carry x 30 seconds B. 3 rounds for time of: Run 800 Meters 30 Wallballs 15 Deadlift *Compare to June 19, 2019
Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Ski 500/400 Meters 3 Rope climb Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: Row 500/400 Meters 1-1-2 DB Bench Press x 10 reps Transition 2:00 Every 4 minutes, for 3 rounds: 100 Double-Unders or Single-Unders 35 Abmat Sit-ups
“2019 Barbells 4 Boobs Charity WOD” In teams of 3… In 20 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of: 10 Back Squat off rig (185/125) 16/12 Calorie Row Dual KB Front Rack Hold* (53/36) *Hold KB’s in rack position for the duration of Row. All athletes will rotate in unison. Rest 5 minutes, then… Team tug-o-war (Teams of three, double elimination style).
Oct 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed Every 90 seconds, for 3 sets: 1 – Half Kneeling DB Press x 6-8 reps/arm @ 21X1 2 – Chin-over-bar tuck hold x 30 seconds accumulated B. In 10 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 16/12 Calorie Bike 14 Wallballs 12 DB Push Press
Oct 2019
Today is R.E.D. Friday Wear a red shirt, in remembrance of everyone deployed CrossFit Open Workout 20.3 / Workout 18.4 Diane 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlifts (225/155) Handstand push-ups Then, 21-15-9 reps of: Deadlifts (315/205) 50-ft. handstand walk after each set Time cap: 9 minutes
Oct 2019
For time: Run 400 Meters 21 Dual KB Deadlift 21 Dual KB Rack Squat Run 800 Meters 15 Dual KB Deadlift 15 Dual KB Rack Squat Run 1200 Meters 9 Dual KB Deadlift 9 Dual KB Rack Squat 25 minute time cap
Oct 2019
For time: Run 400 Meters 21 Power Clean (115/80)) 21 Front Squat (115/80) Run 800 Meters 15 Power Clean (135/95) 15 Front Squat (135/95) Run 1200 Meters 9 Power Clean (155/115) 9 Front Squat (155/115) 25 minute time cap
Oct 2019
A. 3 sets of: DB Bench Press x 10-12 reps @ 41X1 Rest 30 seconds KB Gorilla Row x 10-12 reps/arm @ 20X1, alternating arms Rest 90 seconds B. 3-5 rounds, not for time: 14/10 Calorie Ski 30 second Handstand Hold or DB Overhead Hold 100 Meter KB Farmers Carry Rest/Walk 90 seconds *Complete 3-5 rounds, based on energy levels and time constraints. We have an awesome weekend lined up
Oct 2019
A. 3 sets of: Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 20X1 Rest 30 seconds Single-arm Ring Row x 8-10 reps/arm @ 20X1 Rest 30 seconds Bike (Hands Only) x 9/6 Calories Rest 90 seconds B. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes: 1 – Ring Dips x 10-12 reps 2 – Kipping HSPU x 10-12 reps 3 – Dead hang to inversion x 4 reps @ 3231 *Add weight