Did anyone else catch Nik Wallenda become the first human being to tight rope walk the Grand Canyon.  Nik courageously walked – untethered – over 1400 feet from end to end which amounts to over 4 football fields across!   If Nik were to succumb to any of the stressors presented by the walk (overpowering wind gust, mental or physical fatigue, mechanical failure of the line, etc…)  about 1,500 feet of thin air would have been his only resistance before meeting the rocks below.  Nik had no options other than to stay calm, keep his faith, and take one cautious step at a time.

Try to consider Niks feat during your next CrossFit WOD.  Do your muscles give out before you want them to?  Does your mind make things seem harder than they really are?  In Niks case, he couldn’t just possibly quit, he had to push through every bad thought, conquer every last fear, fight through every bit of fatigue, or it would have been HIS last WOD.  If we all put forth everything we have each and every day like Nik did on the rope, think about how much quicker progress can be made, and dreams can be turned into reality.

Nik is a true inspiration to us all.  Not for doing something more daring than the next person.  Rather for having a dream, chasing it, and making it come true.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams,
and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined,
he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
-Henry David Thoreau


June 24, 2013 WOD


3 Stop segment dead lift – 5×3 (stop 2″ from ground, directly above knee, mid thigh, finish to top)


5 rounds for a total time of:

10 pull ups

15 walking lunge w/kb in front rack

20 kb swing

Rest 60 seconds between rounds

Rx – 53/44

Lv2 – 44/36

Lv1 – 36/25