Jun 2013
There is nothing I enjoy more than listening to Coach Glassman explain the functionality of a movement. Here are more than a few reasons why we like to dead lift in CrossFit. Video Courtesy of CrossFit.com Watch this! June 3, 2013 WOD Strength Establish a 1rm Dead lift – Any style Conditioning Every 60 seconds for 6 minutes complete: 7 push up 7 kb front squat Rest 2 minutes
May 2013
Dont forget today at 9:45 we are holding a Nutrition seminar that will answer all the questions you have concerning your diet, inflammation in your body, how to perform at a higher level, and how to live a longer healthier life. See you all there! “The most effective way to generate force is also the safest way” -Kelly Starrett June 1, 2013 WOD Team WOD In teams of 2, complete
May 2013
Here is a great article that offers a few more reasons to use coconut oil over any other type of cooking oil. Read on to learn what they are… Article courtesy of Naturalnews.com Benefits of Coconut oil May 31, 2013 WOD Skill Spend 20 minutes slaying a goat…or three Note: Use this time wisely to improve upon any exercises or movement patterns that needs improvement. Communicate with your coach
May 2013
A couple reminders for the next few days… Its going to get exceptionally HOT for the rest of the week. Make sure to hydrate BEFORE you WOD and replace all lost fluids as soon as you finish. You cannot hydrate in the middle of a WOD, you must already be in a hydrated state before you get started. Not having enough fluid in you will only make what you are
May 2013
I know how some of us have let the movement of the Push Jerk elude us. Just as if I told you how to walk, and you thought about it as you tried, you would probably have a difficult time walking. I know we are all wired differently and react to various cues that just make it click in our heads producing a Crossfit movement. I have included a
May 2013
Excellent job to all our athletes who took part in the Run to Remember this past weekend. Many PR’s were set on this run, especially for those who have made CrossFit an integral part of their fitness program. Here are the latest numbers from our athletes here at CFM… 1:48:10 Michelle Chaffee 49 F 1238 Marshfield MA 2:11:20 Michele Brokmeier 49 F 862 Rockland MA 2:18:47 Amy Kandravy 43 F
May 2013
Strength Establish a 1rm db snatch Conditioning For time, complete sets of 21-15-9 of: dead lift box jump Rx – 225/135, 24/20″ Lv2 – 185/95, 20/16″ Lv1 – 95/65, 16/12″ Beg – 65/35, 12/6″
May 2013
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims this past week affected by the severe weather in Oklahoma. We would like to help those in need by preparing and sending hygiene kits for both adults and children. If you would like to help this cause, please assemble the following items in a small ziplock bag and leave at the box for pickup on Saturday morning at 9:30am (Thank you Michele
May 2013
If you think mangos are just another fruit…Think again! These polyphenol packed super foods can offer you a multitude of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and fighting off cancer. Read on to gain a better understanding of what mangos can do for you… Mangos, the new diabetes and cancer buster Article courtesy of Naturalnews.com May 21, 2013 WOD Strength Bench Press – Establish a 1rm Conditioning 4 rounds for
May 2013
Despite your constant effort to gain muscle, lose unnecessary body fat, get stronger, etc…you need to know that there is something out of your control that is either making your efforts pay off, or stymie your progress…It is called “Your Genes” Our physical make up has been predetermined for all of us before we take our first breath of air, and regardless if the deck was stacked in your favor,
May 2013
May 17, 2013 WOD Strength High bar back squat 5×2 (heaviest possible) Midline 3xME (max effort) L-Sit Conditioning For time: Run 800m then, 3 rounds for time of: 20 push up 30 kb swing 40 jumping pull up Rx – 53/44 Lv2 – 44/36 Lv1 – 36/25 Beg – 25/20
May 2013
I stumbled upon someones blog (might I say in the most unsuspecting place) that will totally hit home to a lot of you new to CrossFit. Read on and relate with Lea as she speaks to the “5 emotional stages of CrossFit”. Five emotional stages of CrossFit May 16, 2013 WOD Strength Press 1-1-1 Push press 1-1-1 Push jerk 1-1-1 Note: Try to increase weight throughout all sets. Conditioning
May 2013
This latest creation I am about to show you how to make is a recipe I got off of paleoplan.com. Very tasty and even more nutritious! Check out the full recipe HERE or see it on the video below May 15, 2013 WOD Strength 3 position dead lift – 5×3 Note: Stop bar and hold 3 seconds at 2″, knee level, mid thigh, then finish to top. Conditioning Tabata pushups rest 2
May 2013
If you haven’t bought your 2013 CrossFit Games Regionals tickets yet going on this upcoming weekend, you can still get them now by clicking HERE Take a peek at what some of the most high-speed athletes in the North East will be doing over the weekend showdown. May 13, 2013 WOD Skill Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes perform 1 – 5 second ring hold plus 1 negative (slow to
May 2013
If your a Mom and want to get your flex on this Sunday, come to our NEW YOGA class at 7:00am and give it a try – On US! No need to sign up, just come on in. We’ll see you and everyone else there! May 11, 2013 WOD Strength Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes complete: 10 lateral box jump 10 kb high pull Rx
May 2013
I wanted to shed light on a not well known training aid that has been around for a while, but is just starting to make its name around the CrossFit as well as other fitness communities. Rock tape – or its more proper nomenclature, kinesiology tape, is an incredible tool with a multitude of uses. Here are some of the most common ways to benefit from its use: Kinesiology Taping Benefits Improved
May 2013
Happy Birthday to Coach Caitlin!!! Thanks to CrossFit, Caitlin will be turning one year younger today. Remember, you’re only as old (or young) as you desire. Age is just a number, and that is all it will ever be… May 7, 2013 WOD Strength Bench press 3×10 (heaviest possible) Conditioning “Kelly” 5 rounds for time of: 400m run 30 wall ball 30 box jump Rx – 20/14, 24/20″ Lv2
May 2013
Here is a great instructional video of the anatomy of the Dead lift. Follow these few simple principles to get the very most out of each and every lift while keeping things SAFE! Video courtesy of Mark Rippetoe and CrossFit.com May 6, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift – Work up to a heavy 3rm then, perform 2 every 30 seconds for 4 minutes Conditioning 4 rounds for time of:
May 2013
Eating good wholesome food rich in vitamins and minerals usually will satisfy our daily requirement of essential nutrients. Sometimes we are not so fortunate to eat the way we like, and in an attempt to satisfy those needs, we supplement. Read on to find out why it is important to know what your buying in an attempt to supplement real whole foods. You may be surprised. Article courtesy of Naturalnews.com
May 2013
As we did Super Squats the other day, which everyone did amazing by the way, I wanted to follow up with a few notable videos of others performing the same. Note when things appear as if they are getting tough ( right from the start) as proper load will dictate this. and… April 3, 2013 WOD Strength Ring dips 4x ME (max effort) – use bars if not proficient with
May 2013
Bacon wrapped smoky chicken thighs May 2, 2013 WOD Forward lunge 4×4/side – heaviest possible Conditioning In 8 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 10 overhead squat 10 toes to bar 30 double unders Rx – 115/85 Lv2 – 85/55 Lv1 – 65/35
Apr 2013
Just a quick reminder, we are now 30 days out until the first installment of the Zone/Paleo Nutrition seminar we will be holding June 1st here at CrossFit Magnitude. We will be covering the science behind the Zone diet, why its so successful, how to get started, and every thing else you need to know about keeping your nutrition in check. If you are interested in attending, please sign
Apr 2013
Just want to give a big farewell to Chris D. who recently deployed back to Afganistan for the next year. We all wish you a safe and successful deployment and a speedy return back home to kick some CrossFit ass with us! You will be missed but not forgotten… Also, I would like to thank everyone who made it out to the Flagon Saturday night. It is safe to say it was
Apr 2013
A few reminders… Yoga debut’s today at 10:45 am – Come on in and help your body ease some of that tension. This is an all levels class with a primary focus on recovery and movement restoration. Anyone will benefit from this class! Tonight we will be meeting up at the Cask & Flagon for some food and beverages. Stop on by after 6:30pm, we’d love to see you there!
Apr 2013
Guest post by: Melanie Bowen – Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance awareness advocate for natural health and cancer cure initiatives Fitness for Self-Care in Cancer Patients Self-care is important for the health and wellbeing of everyone. Cancer patients and survivors certainly do rely on the help and expertise of others, but some aspects of health and fitness remain a personal responsibility. Physical fitness is one of the primary points of self-care that must not