Looks like it’s shaping up to be another hot weekend!  As always, drink plenty of fluids (not just beer and wine) and replace any fluid loss from activites as soon as possible.  Some ways to know dehydration is starting to set in…
-Increased heart rate
-Increased blood pressure
-Increased ratings of perceived exertion (how hard something feels while doing it)
-Dark urine
-Chapped lips
Dont let dehydration get the best of you. As the old adage goes, “if your thirsty, then your already dehydrated.  Drink at least half your body weight in ounces daily for starters.  If you weigh 200# you should be aiming for 100 oz daily.
Stay cool out there


June 21, 2013 WOD


Med ball clean


In 15 minutes, establish a 1rm Clean


2 minutes ME max effort double unders, then

Every minute for 10 minutes

2 power clean

2 front squat

2 push jerk


2 minutes ME max effort double unders

Score equals total double unders

Rx – 135/95

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35