CrossFitting, we put our entire body to the test each and every day.  Some parts of the body tend to take the beating a little better than others.  For a lot of people, the wrists are usually one of the areas.  The wrists are not bound by big muscles and they perform a rather large role in supporting huge loads, namely overhead.

One of the things you can do to protect (support) the wrists efforts is with the use of wrist supports.  Out of all the years using various types, I recently stumbled upon what I believe to be the BEST supports out there.  They are super supportive, you can adjust them on the fly, and they are so comfortable you hardly know they are there.

Now don’t think for a second these are any kind of a substitute for range of motion or the lack there of, or utilizing good movement standards.  Not moving correctly and not having the range of motion to do so in the first place should be addressed immediately to help alleviate any wrist pain.  There are also plenty of wrist strengthening exercises you can do to help add natural support where needed.

You can check out the web for them or click HERE to learn more and purchase a pair.


July 24, 2013 WOD


Turkish get up


Heaving snatch balance – Spend 15 minutes establishing a 3rm


“Nancy” – modified

In 12 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

400m run

15 overhead squat


Rx – 95/75

Lv2 – 75/55

Lv1 – 55/35