Our thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims this past week affected by the severe weather in Oklahoma.  We would like to help those in need by preparing and sending hygiene kits for both adults and children.

If you would like to help this cause, please assemble the following items in a small ziplock bag and leave at the box for pickup on Saturday morning at 9:30am (Thank you Michele B.).

Thanks for your support!



1 washcloth

1 toothpaste (.85 oz)

1 toothbrush

Deodorant (trial size)

Soap (trial size)

1 Shampoo (2 oz)

1 Lotion (trial size)

One package of travel tissue

1 Shaving cream (trial size)

1 Razor

1 Comb



1 Washcloth

1 shampoo (2 oz)

1 toothpaste (.85 oz)

1 toothbrush

Soap (trial size)

1 small crayon pack (usually 4 or 5 crayons to a pack)

1 small activity book (madlibs/seek and finds/puzzle books)

1 comb



May 23, 2013 WOD


1a) 3x ME bar dips

rest 60 seconds

1b) 3x ME chest to bar pull ups


In teams of 3 – row 6,000m alternating every 200m