A couple reminders for the next few days…

Its going to get exceptionally HOT for the rest of the week.  Make sure to hydrate BEFORE you WOD and replace all lost fluids as soon as you finish.  You cannot hydrate in the middle of a WOD, you must already be in a hydrated state before you get started.  Not having enough fluid in you will only make what you are doing harder.

Also, as we are holding the Zone nutrition seminar on Saturday at 9:45, there will only be one CrossFit class at 8:30.

Here is a cool video of Richardo post-WOD.  This guy can move!!!

May 30, 2013 WOD


Pendlay row 4×5 (heaviest possible)


In 15 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

200m run

10 pull ups

15 push ups