Guess what time of year it is again…? Yup, you guessed it!  It’s time for the Whole Life Challenge.  What better way to start the fall then to kick start yourself into high gear with 8 weeks of total dedication to your training, mobilizing, supplementation (fish oil), and eating healthier than ever.  If you had a summer anything like my own, then you won’t think twice about making the decision to prioritize your health and fitness over long days at the beach with the cooler parked by your side with total disregard of the ill effects it is having on you.

As you may recall the last two Whole Life Challenges, they are steadily becoming progressively more integrated with more site content, differing rules and restrictions, and an overall better experience.  This one will by far be the best!

The Whole Life Challenge kicks off September 7, so get the hard part behind you by committing yourself right now – Click HERE to receive a discount off of the entry price.



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August 16, 2013 WOD


Smolov 1/3

High bar back squat 8×4 @ 80% of your 1RM

Rest at least 2 minutes between sets.



Complete sets of 12-9-6-3 for time of:

Power clean and jerk

Ring dip

* sub rings with bar if necessary or perform negatives.


Rx – 155/105

Lv2 – 115/75

Lv1 – 75/45