Jun 2014
Double Unders… To some those two words send shivers up the spine and reminders of stinging red zebra stripes across the legs and arms. But it doesn’t have to be that way forever. If you look here, the Double Under works numerous muscle groups, they increases metabolic capacity, and certainly hone our coordination and agility. This is why we do them, they are not a torture mechanism for Coaches, honestly.
Apr 2014
The muscle-up is one of the most coveted CrossFit exercises that takes a ton of strength and practice to master. In concept, a perfectly executed muscle-up may not look all that difficult to master, but the grip and the movements often prove a bit unnatural for anyone trying for the first time. Basically, a muscle-up is transitioning your body from pull-up to dip in one fluid movement. There are a
Apr 2014
If you have been doing CrossFit for a while now, you recognize that our program excels due to the high intensity component. With that being said, one thing we have to keep in mind is that we can’t sustain that high intensity every single day; otherwise our body ends up breaking down. So this begs the question of how often should someone take a rest day? CrossFit.com follows a 3
Apr 2014
You all have heard us coaches preach about form and foundation before complexity, and it is true. It is important to have the basics down before moving onto more complex skills and movements. So this week, we are going back to the basics and breaking down the hollow body position, a basic gymnastics position that translates over into many of the movements we do in and out of the gym.
Mar 2014
here is one from the CrossFit archives….ol’ Greg Glassman goes over the Sumo Deadlift High Pull (SDHP). March 19, 2014 WOD Strength 1a) dip 4×5 heaviest possible rest 60 seconds 1b) pullup 4×5 heaviest possible rest 60 seconds Conditioning Row 500m then: 3 rounds of 15 sumo deadlifts high pulls 15 push ups then: 100 DUs
Mar 2014
Here is a pretty awesome post on Catalyst Athletics about weightlifting technique, practice, and the practical road map to mastery. It is important I believe to identify the stages of technical mastery so that aspiring technicians have some sort of roadmap to follow as they progress from neophyte to master technician. In CrossFit, we do not specialize in weightlifting. However we do pick up the barbell quite often. This article
Feb 2014
Today marks the start of the second cycle of the Wendler protocol. The goal for the next four weeks is to add up to 5 pounds to our upper body movement (press) and up to 10 pounds to our lower body lifts (dead lift and squat) and make it through another cycle. These small increments are in part what allows us to continually get strong over a long period
Feb 2014
Handstands. Yogis do it. Gymnasts do it. We do it (Drunk CrossFitter try to do it). It is a pretty awesome movement. Plus it looks cool, especially when you can kick up on command. “OMG Becky! Trevor just like totally did a handstand and walked off the diving board. Ya like I think he does that CrossFit thing.” Anyway. here is the 411 on how to get working on your
Jan 2014
Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 powerlifting system is rapidly growing into one of the most popular powerlifting and strength building training routines on the planet. Several years ago, most powerlifters ran the Westside Barbell system. Westside was the gospel, and there was no other. But today, things have changed. A good portion of powerlifters are running Wendler’s 5/3/1, or a Westside/Wendler’s combination. Westside is still king, but Wendler’s 5/3/1 has proven itself very worthy
Jan 2014
This is one of the best – in depth – videos out there on how to perform the turkish get-up. If you are not going to make class today, check this out! January 9, 2013 WOD Strength 4x3(side) - Turkish get-up (use heaviest kb possible) Note: Each set should be performed switching from left to right arm totaling 3/side. Conditioning 5 rounds for time of: 5 power clean 5 front squat
Sep 2013
This is it ladies and gents! The time is finally upon us where we will take the necessary steps and make the necessary compromises as a way to restore order to ourselves and our fitness. The next 8 weeks will not be impossible, so stop thinking “how bad” things are going to get. Remember, it is not about being perfect. You are suppose to be making adjustments to your diet
Aug 2013
Guess what time of year it is again…? Yup, you guessed it! It’s time for the Whole Life Challenge. What better way to start the fall then to kick start yourself into high gear with 8 weeks of total dedication to your training, mobilizing, supplementation (fish oil), and eating healthier than ever. If you had a summer anything like my own, then you won’t think twice about making the decision
Aug 2013
Kettle bells are a terrific tool to build strength and stability, never mind what it can do for your conditioning. Starting in October, we will be offering kettle bell specific classes to add yet another dimension to your overall training. Here is a guy who has been spending an awful lot of time with his kettle bell. Be sure to check out the entire video as he cranks up the hardness
Jul 2013
CrossFitting, we put our entire body to the test each and every day. Some parts of the body tend to take the beating a little better than others. For a lot of people, the wrists are usually one of the areas. The wrists are not bound by big muscles and they perform a rather large role in supporting huge loads, namely overhead. One of the things you can do to
Jul 2013
Heres a great simple breakfast for those of you who are hard pressed for time first thing in the morning and don’t want to leave the house on an empty tank. As the recipe indicates, farm fresh eggs are always the safest choice. Enjoy 🙂 Breakfast Smoothie July 19, 2013 WOD BB Acrobatics 1) Spend 12 minutes working up to a 1 rep max – Hang snatch (squat) 2) Perform
Jul 2013
This upcoming Saturday, July 6, we will be WOD’n in support of CrossFit’s Hope for Cures initiative. Every cent raised will be used to fight catastrophic children’s illnesses. CrossFit, Inc. covers all administrative and clerical costs in this battle, which leverages your donation to maximal effect, and delivers aid at high intensity with no waste. We can behave like CrossFit athletes even in our generosity. If you don’t plan on
Jun 2013
Front squats are an exercise that many share a love-hate relationship with. On the one hand it is profound in its ability to improve your overall core strength throughout your body. It is also a prerequisite to the clean, which is a must for anyone looking to really increase their athleticism. On the other, it comes as a serious form of punishment to those less prepared in terms of
Jun 2013
Video courtesy of CrossFit.com June 27, 2013 WOD Skill Hand stand push up Strength Push press 4×7 (heaviest possible) Conditioning In 9 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of: 5 HSPU 7 power clean 9 box jump Rx – 155/95, 30/24″ Lv2 – 115/75, 24/20″ Lv1 – 75/55, 20/16″
Jun 2013
Here is Glenn Pendlay himself explaining what the Pendlay row is and how to perform it correctly. This great movement is fundamental in developing a strong back from top to bottom. June 20, 2013 WOD Strength Pendlay row 4×6 (heaviest possible) Conditioning 4 Rounds for time of: 400m run 20 knees to elbow
Jun 2013
As CrossFitters, and more importantly, as human beings, we require a certain base range of motion to perform basics tasks in our everyday lives. In this video, Kelly Starrett of MWOD.com shows us some basic mobility techniques for the upper body that, when performed as an everyday maintenance piece, will help free up those restricted joints that are slowing down your progress or keeping you from performing (at CrossFit or life) in
Jun 2013
Are you having trouble getting into the bottom of a squat without rolling your knees and ankles inwards? Can you not seem to maintain torque and support down there without falling over backwards? Given that everything up stream is in check, how are those ankles? Check out this video courtesy of Kelly Starrett and MWOD.com where he offers an explanation of this fault and a quick fix that anyone can
May 2013
If you haven’t bought your 2013 CrossFit Games Regionals tickets yet going on this upcoming weekend, you can still get them now by clicking HERE Take a peek at what some of the most high-speed athletes in the North East will be doing over the weekend showdown. May 13, 2013 WOD Skill Every 15 seconds for 5 minutes perform 1 – 5 second ring hold plus 1 negative (slow to
May 2013
If your a Mom and want to get your flex on this Sunday, come to our NEW YOGA class at 7:00am and give it a try – On US! No need to sign up, just come on in. We’ll see you and everyone else there! May 11, 2013 WOD Strength Thruster 3-3-3-3-3 Conditioning Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes complete: 10 lateral box jump 10 kb high pull Rx
May 2013
Here is a great instructional video of the anatomy of the Dead lift. Follow these few simple principles to get the very most out of each and every lift while keeping things SAFE! Video courtesy of Mark Rippetoe and CrossFit.com May 6, 2013 WOD Strength Dead lift – Work up to a heavy 3rm then, perform 2 every 30 seconds for 4 minutes Conditioning 4 rounds for time of:
Apr 2013
Getting inverted – or performing a handstand is fun to do all while testing your ability to control, coordinate, stabilize and support your entire body using your arms and shoulders. While anyone can sling themselves against a wall, and then undoubtedly start to crumble under their own forces, it requires a certain understanding of the basics elements that go into efficiently controlling yourself upside-down while seeing the world from a different view. Here is a