Here is a pretty awesome post on Catalyst Athletics about weightlifting technique, practice, and the practical road map to mastery.

It is important I believe to identify the stages of technical mastery so that aspiring technicians have some sort of roadmap to follow as they progress from neophyte to master technician.

In CrossFit, we do not specialize in weightlifting. However we do pick up the barbell quite often. This article gives a good perspective on what to expect when looking to master the snatch or clean

read more here


March 18, 2014 WOD


spend 20 minutes to establish a heavy (not max) Snatch


9 minute AMRAP of
6 lateral burpee box jumps
6 power snatch
Rx 20/16 115/85
LV2 16/12 95/75
LV1 12/8 75/55