Handstands. Yogis do it. Gymnasts do it. We do it (Drunk CrossFitter try to do it). It is a pretty awesome movement. Plus it looks cool, especially when you can kick up on command. “OMG Becky! Trevor just like totally did a handstand and walked off the diving board. Ya like I think he does that CrossFit thing.”

Anyway. here is the 411 on how to get working on your life upside down- How-To’s, Videos, Tips, and Progressions.

CrossFit Just cuz Camille is so cute….

Gymnastics: Carl Paoli- The Ninja Warrior himself knows a thing or two about being upside down. Check out his progression and scaling for the movement.

Ido Portal is a Boss!!


There is something awkwardly comfortable about being upside down. Inversions by definition can unnerve. They reverse the effects of gravity, invigorate the circulation, and flood the vital organs and brain with nourishment. Practice up against a wall in the morning to jump start your blood flow and get you body moving for the day.

February 6, 2014 WOD

Split Jerk Technique **No Heavy Weight”


Complete 3 rounds of:
1 min ME pushups
rest 1 minute
2 minute ME candlesticks
rest 1 minute
3 minute ME DUs