Apr 2013

A different view

Getting inverted – or performing a handstand is fun to do all while testing your ability to control, coordinate, stabilize and support your entire body using your arms and shoulders.  While anyone can sling themselves against a wall, and then undoubtedly start to crumble under their own forces, it requires a certain understanding of the basics elements that go into efficiently controlling yourself upside-down while seeing the world from a different view.

Here is a great instructional write up on the Hand stand hold.  In my opinion, he does a great job breaking down the do’s and dont’s which should help clear up any uncertainty that you may have.

This article is courtesy of www.on-hands.com

The Hand Stand Hold


April 11, 2013 WOD


Spend 10 minutes working on your kipping pullup

Spend 10 minutes working on your hand stand hold/pushup


For time, complete sets of 10-20-30-40-50 of:

Jumping pull ups

Air squats

Double unders