If you didn’t think CrossFit was complex enough, here is something else you need to consider every time you load the bar for a lift. Make sure to read the rules along with the reasoning behind them.  Click on the picture for a larger image.

 Caitlin Chisholm is our winner of this weeks Bonus drawing for the Whole Life Challenge.  Make sure to log into the WLC website for info on this weeks challenge.  Weekly winners are chosen every Tuesday night – Don’t miss out!

October 10, 2012 WOD


7×1 – 1 power snatch + 2 overhead squats (heaviest possible)


Max rounds in 15 minutes of:
5x Snatch grip dead lift
5x Hang power snatch
5x Overhead squats
5x Behind neck push jerk, snatch grip

Rx – 1/2 BW

Lv2 – 1/3 BW

Lv1 – 1/4 BW