A BIG Happy 60th to Brad W and Mike D!!!  They both are true CrossFit success stories!  I don’t have to tell you what just 6 months of CrossFit will do to you, just ask them.   CrossFit  will reinforce your life regardless of your age.  It’s weird, for me the more I do it, the better I feel and the easier life becomes.  We all really have just two choices,  work on improving our lives or sit by and let nature take its course .

 October 27, 2012 WOD


Bench press 8-8-6-6-4-4


Complete 5 rounds for a total time of:

Rest 60 seconds between rounds.

10 1 arm db power snatch (from ground to overhead) 5 left/5 right

30 jumping pull ups

15 abmat sit ups

Rx 50/35

Lv2 – 40/25

Lv1 – 30/15