I often get asked, “what muscles should I stretch after I workout”?  My most common response to this is “We don’t stretch muscles, we mobilize movement patterns”.  There are far to many muscles in the body to possibly tend to after a work out, nor would we want to even if we had 10 hours.  Ask yourself – What movement pattern during todays WOD slowed me down, held me back, or caused pain while doing?  Once you have narrowed it down, spend a few minutes mobilizing that entire area associated with the pain or restriction.  Remember, most of the time there is an area that is associated with pain, start your search for relief up or down stream from known spot.  Some of the best ways to mobilize usually require assistance from a lacrosse ball, foam roller, or jump stretch band to name a few.  If you are unsure of how to mobilize that nagging part, feel free to ask one of your coaches – We love to help!!!

October 3, 2012 WOD

BB acrobatics/skill

Clean 7×2 (heaviest possible)


For time:

Row 1,000 m, then;

3 rounds for time of

10 ring dips

20 sumo dead lift high pull

Rx – 95/75

Lv2 – 75/55, jumping ring dips

Lv1 – 55/35, ring push ups