A few things, don’t forget next SATURDAY, October 20, Bayside Runner will be hosting another Shoe demo with there latest Inov 8 footwear. You will be allowed to try the sneakers out during your WOD with NO obligation to purchase anything.  If you haven’t tried these out yet, you don’t want to miss out!  Poor or improper footwear is, in my opinion, a great contributor to poor movement mechanics which means you are more vulnerable to injury.  Inov 8’s are an awesome choice for any CrossFit WOD!  For those of you who have a great experience wearing the Inov 8’s, you can purchase a pair for 20% of retail price.

Another reminder, Open Gym Sundays is official.  Come on in from 9-12 and get your WOD on!

October 13, 2012 WOD


Power clean 7×2 (heaviest possible)


Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes complete the following:

10 kb goblet squat

10 box jumps

Rx – 52/36, 24/20

Lv2 – 44/25, 20/16

Lv1 – 36/20, 16/12