Based on our current health care system and the philosophy of western medicine, it is really hard to believe we will ever find a cure for cancer.  After all, with all the rhetoric out there claiming that science is on a mission to find a cure, it would be almost hard to believe they would even want to considering this would cost the health care industry billions in lost revenue if people were no longer in need of advanced treatments all the way down to prescription meds.  In the western world, we don’t try to find cures because all we seem to care about is treating the symptoms.  I know, hard to believe right!  Well here is a brief article on how to avoid cancer in the first place.   Read on to find out 4 great ways to limit your chances of fallen victim to this unnecessary fate.  This article is courtesy of


October 19, 2012 WOD


Box squat 7×3 (50-60% 1rm)


Every minute for 12 minutes perform

4 thrusters

8 hand release push ups

Rx – 115/85

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 75/45