Oct 2012

Time to cash in!

If your part of the Whole Life Challenge right now, your probably either settled in nicely riding on cruise control or your ready to lose control.  If it’s the latter, it would be very wise to start chipping away at some of those bonus points you’ve earned so hard.  You can’t take them with you when its over, and they DO NOT count towards your point total at the end.  Enjoy that glass of wine or pint of Ben and Jerrys. Speaking of bonus points, I am not sure if you are all aware, but we have been holding weekly drawings for prizes for those die hards who have been doing there weekly challenges.  Prizes so far have been restaurant gift certificates, wrist wraps, fish oil with much more to come…Janet F is this past weeks Winner!

October 25, 2012 WOD

BB Acrobatics

Hi-hang clean 7×3 (heaviest possible)


For time:

Run 800m

30 ground to overhead

Row 1000m

60 pull ups

Rx – 135/95

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 75/45