Oct 2012

Roll it out!

I am sure most of you have experimented with foam rollers at one point or another, but do you have a full understanding of why your rolling out, how to do it, and how often?  Foam rolling is a form of SMR or Self Myo-fascial Release.  In other words, it is the process of breaking up scar tissue, knots, and a host of other junk built up within the layers of muscle tissue.   With the right approach, you can experience a host of benefits including: increased range of motion, quicker recovery time from working out, fewer lingering achey muscles and joint pain, less wear and tear on your joints, and greater endurance from the ability to use more of your muscle during exercise (that may have been knotted up and shortened otherwise).  Foam rolling is best done daily, before and after your workout.   In my opinion, you could never roll out to much or to often, but if it starts to feel sketchy after 3 hours on the thing, it probably is.  There you go! 321…Roll.

October 23, 2012 WOD

Goat practice

Spend 10 minutes working on any of your weaknesses.


Reverse bb lunge 4×5 (racked on traps) – heaviest possible


Complete 5 rounds for a total time of:

10 ring push up

15 Med ball clean

20 Kb swing

Rest 60 seconds between each round

RX – 20/14, 52/36

Lv2 – 14/10, 44/25

lv1 – 12/8, 36/20