For all of you who are still wondering where the Girls WOD names came from, here ya go!


October 12, 2012 WOD


Pull ups 5×3 (strict) weighted – any grip

Notes: If you do not have a strict pull up yet perform 5x5 negatives (step off box with chin over bar, then take 5 seconds to reach lock out, then repeat)

Perform 3 max effort unbroken sets until total failure is reached of the following, resting 60 seconds between each exercise.  Your score is the total of all the lowest scores from each exercise:

Double under (use single unders if you dont have DU’s)

Pull up (use band as necessary)

Squat jumps (no bar)

Hand release push up

Ab mat sit up

Notes: Once you stop moving for more than 1 second your set is over!