Jan 2013
Here is another great article for you pointing out 5 great immune boosters to get you through the holidays and beyond. Natural remedies courtesy of Mother Nature are always a safer bet when compared to their counterpart – Man made pharmaceuticals (toxins). If you are on a prescription(s) from a Doctor, make sure to enlitghten him/her with any changes you are considering making to your diet as they could have
Jan 2013
How many of you at this very moment do not possess and utilize a training journal? I’ll let you in on a little secret – If you want to see results quicker than ever before, start writing everything down (in good format too!). To keep getting stronger and fitter, you must be provided with a stimulus greater than anything prior or what we exercise geeks like to call utilizing the
Jan 2013
January 3, 2012 WOD Strength Good morning 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning For time, Run 800m 100 jumping pull ups 80 wall ball 60 kb swings Run 800m Rx- 20/14, 1.5 pood/1 pood Lv2- 14/10, 44/25 Lv1- 12/8, 1 pood/20
Jan 2013
January 2, 2012 WOD BB acrobatics Hang power snatch 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 Conditioning In 12 minutes, complete as many reps as possible following the rep scheme 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,etc….of: Squat jumps (dowel) Power clean & jerk Rx- 135/95 Lv2- 95/65 Lv1- 65/35
Dec 2012
For the next 10 days we will be short staffed. Caitlin is taking on all of the regularly scheduled classes along with Coach Kevin. Please help them make class a more positive experience by showing up on time, following all the instruction, and give your 110 percent 100 percent of the time. Never be shy to ask if you are doing something wrong and always seek help with questions regarding
Dec 2012
The New Year is almost here. Have you given it any thought as to what resolutions (commitments) you are willing to make in order to make yourself even BETTER than you are now. As you know, being awesome isn’t easy. If that were the case, everyone would be! You need to find the things that make you less awesome and work on them. Having a plan or making a resolution
Dec 2012
One of the most common things I see on a day to day basis is inflexibility. Being inflexible and getting injured goes hand in hand in my book. Make sure that you pick one area a day and spend a few minutes freeing it up. You will be amazed how much better you move as well as how good you feel moving. Here is an article courtesy of Breakingmuscle.com that
Dec 2012
If you have not for-filled your loved ones wish list yet, dont panic, it is not to late! Stop in and grab a CrossFit gift certificate today! We can customize them in any way you like. For more info contact us at info@crossfitmagnitude.com December 22, 2012 WOD Strength Front squat 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning 4 rounds for time of: 10 overhead squat 10 push press 20 abmat sit ups Rx –
Dec 2012
I just want to say farewell to Bethany W. who will be taking a – hopefully temporary – hiatus from CrossFit Magnitude to pursue her career out of state. Bethany has been a success story from the start, mostly due to the level of commitment she has made to her fitness. In Bethany’s 3 short months here at CFM she has lost 23 pounds, achieved a 255 pound dead lift
Dec 2012
When I ask people who have never participated in a CrossFit WOD before what they know about it, the response I usually get is ” Its wicked hard” or something along those lines. I wouldn’t argue that point. CrossFit is hard! But anything in life that offers such great reward is usually harder than average to obtain. CrossFit isn’t just about putting yourself through a challenging workout. CrossFit is a
Dec 2012
Today we had our first athlete cash in their newly acquired double unders for some good ol’ burpees courtesy of Coach C. By the look at the progress everyone has made this month in their quest for the double under, I have a feeling the coaches will be more proficient at the burpee than ever before. Keep up the solid work everyone! I told you it would feel awesome when
Dec 2012
I was thinking of some basic tips to give you all for making your CrossFit experience more for-filling and then I stumbled upon this… 10 CrossFit training tips from a penthouse pet! December 18, 2012 WOD Strength Bent over row 4×6 Conditioning In 3 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of: Double unders Rest 2 minutes In 3 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of: Ground to overhead
Dec 2012
I want to congratulate Kira for successfully completing the CrossFit level 1 Cert!!! Kira has decided to pursue the Instructor Training Program and is on her way to becoming a Coach here at CrossFit Magnitude . We can’t wait for her to be part of our team! Another great future Coach on the rise here is Kevin Unger who will be getting his start on the team shortly! Also, please
Dec 2012
I just want to give a big thanks to everyone who came out last night to celebrate the holidays with us at CrossFit Magnitude! I cannot overemphasize how much I LOVE our COMMUNITY! Thanks to all of you for sharing with us your delicious recipes – I must say it was over the TOP! Lets definitely plan on doing this again soon!!! December 15, 2012 WOD Strength Back squat 3-3-3-3-3
Dec 2012
I just came across a really cool, very real video depicting “The Cycle of Civilization in 33 Words”. If you do not have an open mind, please do not watch this video. Enjoy and post thoughts to comment section. The Cycle of Civilization in 33 words Jingle those bells! December 14, 2012 WOD BB acrobatics Snatch 10×1 @ 75% 1rm Rest 30 seconds between each set. Conditioning In 10 minutes,
Dec 2012
I just can’t help but notice the major improvements everyone is making around the community. If there is one thing that makes a coach happy, it is watching people make what was once impossible to do possible. Their comes a time in your CrossFit journey that things just start to click. You’ll know when this happens to you as it will be a memorable moment for sure. For all you
Dec 2012
Most all human beings suffering from some kind of diseased state all have one thing in common – they all tend to be in an acidic state, throwing off the bodies homeostasis. A great way to help keep the body in balance is to be sure and consume alkaline foods. Here are the top six alkaline foods recommended by Naturalnews.com. Top Six Alkaline Foods December 10, 2012 WOD Strength Heaving
Dec 2012
I pulled this article out of the CrossFit Journal archives from 2004. It gives good pictorial analysis of the Medicine ball clean – which is a safe, effective means of skill development for the olympic lifts. Read on… Medicine Ball Cleans by: Greg Glassman December 8, 2012 WOD Skill Med ball clean Strength Clean pull 7×3 (heaviest possible) Conditioning Climb the rep ladder 1,2,3,4,5,6,7…as high as you can in 8 minutes
Dec 2012
In just one week from today, we will be having our Holiday extravaganza here at CrossFit Magnitude! Bring a friend or family member and an appetizer to share and the drinks and entertainment are on us! Party starts at 7:00 so don’t be late! I want to give praise to one of our most dedicated members – Brad W. – for showing us all that despite our age, or any
Dec 2012
I am not going to lie, CrossFit is hard. Actually that would be an understatement. CrossFit is often times tortuous! The uncomfortable feeling (the suck factor) that is experienced when one pushes themselves beyond their normal capacity is a result of using the overload principle. If you want to improve your fitness two factors need to be present: Intensity and volume. The work you are performing needs to be
Dec 2012
Dont forget: This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is bring a guest day. We hope all your hard work is starting to pay off and people around you have started to take notice! I’m sure they are wondering how you do it and where it all goes down. This is your chance to show them! Remember, you are their sponsor for the day, so make sure to give them all the
Dec 2012
Heres a great video for all you ladies out there a little skeptical about doing CrossFit. I’ll let the video speak for itself. As one video viewer commented “Skinny girls look good in clothes, Fit girls look good naked!” I concur. December 4, 2012 WOD Strength Dead lift – Find your 1rm Conditioning For a total time, complete 3 rounds for time of: Run 800m 15 ground to
Nov 2012
Are you looking to dramatically improve your ability to do Double unders? If the answer is No, then stop reading this. If the answer is “Heck Yeah!”, then read on… Starting today, the 1st of December, we wan’t you to challenge yourself and commit the next 31 days (the month of December) to improving your technique and thus your ability to perform Double unders. Now, I know what you must
Nov 2012
In just two short weeks, we are having a Holiday extravaganza here at CrossFit Magnitude – Friday the 14th! Bring your favorite appetizer and we’ll supply the music, entertainment, and all the tasty beverages you can handle! All the fun will start at 7pm sharp. Members are encouraged to bring friends and family. We are always open for ideas regarding games, challenges, contests, etc… so shoot us an email and
Nov 2012
I know none of you drink soda, so make sure to show this diagram to a friend that does and maybe, just maybe they will reconsider this can of toxicity to be part of a wholesome diet. Our two newest members, Evan and Rachael, pulling their hearts out! November 29, 2012 WOD Strength Pendlay row 5×5 (heaviest possible) Conditioning Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes, complete the following: 10