For the next 10 days we will be short staffed.  Caitlin is taking on all of the regularly scheduled classes along with Coach Kevin.  Please help them make class a more positive experience by showing up on time, following all the instruction, and give  your 110 percent 100 percent of the time.  Never be shy to ask if you are doing something wrong and always seek help with questions regarding the WOD or scaling.  Remember, Coaches are present to help you get the most out of each and every class.  We really enjoy helping!


December 27, 2012 WOD


Push jerk – 5×2 (heaviest possible) – Rest 60-90 seconds between sets


In 2 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Muscle snatch

Rest 2 minutes

In 3 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Squat clean

Rest 2 minutes

In 4 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Over head dowel squats

Score equals total reps

Rx – 85/55, 135/95

Lv2 – 65/45, 95/65

Lv1 – 45/25, 65/35