Dec 2012

Being Awesome!

The New Year is almost here.  Have you given it any thought as to what resolutions (commitments) you are willing to make in order to make yourself even BETTER than you are now.  As you know, being awesome isn’t easy.  If that were the case, everyone would be!  You need to find the things that make you less awesome and work on them.  Having a plan or making a resolution and sticking to your guns is the fastest way of ridding yourself of the negative baggage.  Over the next few days, think of what you can do to be more Awesome than you already are and starting January 1st, make it a priority!


December 26, 2012 WOD


Halting snatch dead lift (stop mid thigh) 5×3 – (heaviest possible)



Complete sets of 21 -15- 9 for time of:


KB swings

Double unders

Rx – 52, 35

Lv2 – 44/25

Lv1 – 35/20