I want to congratulate Kira for successfully completing the CrossFit level 1 Cert!!!  Kira has decided to pursue the Instructor Training Program  and is on her way to becoming a Coach here at CrossFit Magnitude .  We can’t wait for her to be part of our team!  Another great future Coach on the rise here is Kevin Unger who will be getting his start on the team shortly!

Also, please don’t forget we are holding a food drive to help those  in need over the Holidays.  Be sure to bring  in your donations before Christmas Day.  Thanks to all in advance!

I wish this day came more than once a year!

December 17, 2012 WOD


Snatch balance 7×2 (heavy, but fast)

Rest 60 seconds


For time, complete sets  21-18-15-12-9 of:

Sumo dead lift high pull

Wall ball

Rx – 115/85, 20/14

Lv2 – 95/65, 14/10

Lv1 – 65/35, 12/8