Dont forget:

This Thursday, Friday, and Saturday is bring a guest day.  We hope all your hard work is starting to pay off and people around you have started to take notice!  I’m sure they are wondering how you do it and where it all goes down.  This is your chance to show them!  Remember, you are their sponsor for the day, so make sure to give them all the encouragement and help necessary to make their first class a memorable one.

I wan’t everyone who gave it their all yesterday establishing their 1 RM dead lift to give themselves a pat on the back!  It was amazing to see you all smash your previous PR’s.  This tells me something rather clear – What your doing is working, and working really damn good!  Here are a few highlights from yesterday:

December 5, 2012 WOD

BB Acrobatics

Hang power snatch 7×2 (heaviest possible)


Every minute for 12 minutes complete:

3 power snatch

4 burpee

Notes: Your score is the weight used on your last round