I just can’t help but notice the major improvements everyone is making around the community.  If there is one thing that makes a coach happy, it is watching people make what was once impossible to do possible.  Their comes a time in your CrossFit journey that things just start to click.  You’ll know when this happens to you as it will be a memorable moment for sure.  For all you newbies out their, don’t fret, it will come.  A little patience, lots of practice and training, and most of all staying consistent.   Just ask anyone around you who has 6-8 months of solid CrossFitting under their belt how much they have improved since the beginning and I’m sure you’ll get the same answer.

some call it “The Mid-WOD nap”

December 12, 2012 WOD


Close grip bench 7×3  (Tempo 3210) Translated= 3 sec neg, 2 sec hold on bottom, explode up & repeat without pause.



12 sets for time of:

12 push ups

12 UB double unders

* 5 burpee penalty every round of unbroken double unders.

Rx – as stated above

Lv2 – 12 sets of 8 & 8

Lv1 – 8 sets of 8 p ups & 30 single unders