How many of you at this very moment do not possess and utilize a training journal?  I’ll let you in on a little secret – If you want to see results quicker than ever before, start writing everything down (in good format too!).  To keep getting stronger and fitter, you must be provided with a stimulus greater than anything prior or what we exercise geeks like to call utilizing the progressive overload principle.  I think the hardest part of making continual gains is remembering where you left off, or where to pick back up each and every day.  Keeping a journal will remedy this for sure while also fast tracking your success.

Next week we will be starting a 6 week strength cycle using the Squat as our core lift.  For those of you really looking to get the most out of this, make sure to keep a journal close by as every workout associated with this cycle will be based off the last.  I will explain the details in a post to come.

You can use anything for a training journal.  Grab a notebook out of the closet or check out the journals we keep in stock.  If you want to know how to set it up, let one of your coaches know and they will be glad to help!

Get ready to see some amazing results!  The proof will be well documented too.

Here is Brittany after completing her first  WOD Rx’d here at CFM.  Way to go…


January 8, 2013 WOD

BB acrobatics

Clean pull 3-3-3-3-3 DEMO

rest 60 seconds between sets


Complete for time:

25 push press

5 box jump

20 push press

10 box jump

15 push press

15 box jump

10 push press

20 box jump

5 push press

25 box jump

Rx- 95/75, 24/20

Lv2- 75/55, 20/16

Lv1- 55/35, 16/12