I know how some of us have let the movement of the Push Jerk elude us. Just
as if I told you how to walk, and you thought about it as you tried, you
would probably have a difficult time walking. I know we are all wired
differently and react to various cues that just make it click in our heads
producing a Crossfit movement.   I have included a video on the Push Jerk to
allow someone else’s coaching cues to possibly click for you. Watch
this quick video as Coach Glassman  narrates  the Push Jerk. Enjoy – Chuck.

May 29, 2013 WOD


Push jerk  3-3-3-3-3


Complete 4 rounds for a total time of:

15 kb swing

15 box jump

15 wall ball

Rest 60 seconds between each round


Rx – 70/53, 24/20″, 20/14

Lv2 – 53/44, 20/16″, 14/12

Lv1 – 36/25, 16/12″, 10/8