Despite your constant effort to gain muscle, lose unnecessary body fat, get stronger, etc…you need to know that there is something out of your control that is either making your efforts pay off, or stymie your progress…It is called “Your Genes”

Our physical make up has been predetermined for all of us before we take our first breath of air, and regardless if the deck was stacked in your favor, there is always something you can do about it.  Read on to learn a little bit about the basics of your soma-type and what you can do to get the very most out of what you already got!

Train right for your body type

Article courtesy of




May 20, 2013 WOD

Strength Sumo dead lift – 5×3 Conditioning

Every minute for 10 minutes complete:

3 burpee

3 clean (squat)


Rx – 155/115

Lv2 – 95/65

Lv1 – 65/35

Beg – Medball clean