Great write up in Sports Illustrated about the Games that just passed. As always the focus is on community, we know the heart and soul of what we do is based in community. Our community here in our Box, on the South Shore among the other sister Boxes, in one of the more densely CF populated States, and across the Nation and Globe. The beauty of our vast community is

The Games have begun. The worldwide search for the Fittest humans started with the Open back in February, which led us to Regionals last month, and here we are Game(s) time. The podium finishers from the 17 Regions have congregated in Carson Ca. ready to begin their first event tomorrow (to be announced tonight at the Athlete dinner). Years past has show Thurs to be an off day and the

The new run of T Shirts are fresh off the screen and in stock! 3 colors to choose from, all sizes, some kid sizes as well. Grab yours today!


Jul 2014

Back at it…

Okay everybody, the long weekend is over and hopefully you all had a fantastic few days off. Hope you got outside, soaked up some sun and were active. A new week is upon us as is the heat of Summer. So lets spend our time wisely, work on how we are moving, tackle some of the things we haven’t yet grasp and enjoy the sweat we earn. Speaking of Sun,

The better 5 minutes you can spend in the gym could certainly be considered the 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after class. How you use this time in some cases can be the difference in how soon that Double Under comes, or how soon that Strict Pull Up comes. Use this time wisely, spend it on what you like to do the least, should you, you may just find


Mar 2014

Open WOD 14.5 Check out the 5 champs tackle the last 2014 Open WOD….thrusters and burpees….double ouch. In Honor of Boston FD’s Lt. Walsh and FF Michael Kennedy Sadly, we wish to share some sobering news this evening. If you have yet to catch it on the news, Boston firefighters Michael Kennedy and Ed Walsh recently lost their life fighting a fire. As fellow CrossFitters (and humans) we don’t take this

The workout was simple: three rounds for time of a 400-meter run, 21 kettlebell swings at 1.5 pood and 12 pull-ups. In other words, Helen. “Thought I’d be pretty good at it,” Karl Steadman of CrossFit 3Dsays when describing his first CrossFit workout. But after the initial round, he was “in a world of hurt.” “If I look back on it, I cringe now,” Steadman adds. His first WOD was

hehe, planet fitness is funny…. but anyway… …Lifting heavy things up is not just for people who want to look like Arnold, but is an integral part of a well-rounded exercise program for both men and women (and kids). In fact loads of new research shows that it can even reverse many of the factors of aging and turn on good gene expression. Even so, the intensity of your resistance

WHATS UP WITH MACA? Maca root- the Peruvian superfood has long been used for its wide array of medicinal proporties, its ability to increase stamina, and especially for its powerful ability as an aphrodisiac. If you have never heard of Maca, or only seen the packages at Whole Foods, here is the low down. Maca is a a tuber ….think ginger, potatoes, and turnips. But unlike some of its starchy cousins, it

Hello all, Hunter here. I hope your weekend is kicking off well. And to those who hit 14.3, great job.  I had the pleasure of doing it at elevation (9500ft to be exact) and boy I will tell you it was interesting. With that said, I wish to share a recipe I stumbled on to today at a pretty cool place in Denver. Brownies…not just brownies, but pumpkin brownies…not just

  Sweet Potatoes are pretty tasty on their own, but this twist makes em even better. Ingredients 3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes juice and zest of 1 lime ~2 t chili powder ~½ t granulated garlic salt neutral-tasting oil (high-oleic sunflower oil or butter would work great) Method Preheat your oven to 400ºF. Place sweet potatoes on a large baking sheet, topped with a silicone mat,

Alright guys, time for round 2. Firstly checkout Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and Talyana Fortunato throw down in Miami if you haven’t already. Watch how the athletes move and also watch how they rest…really important for this one. Then check out these tips and tricks on the movements. The Technique WOD crew goes over the OHS and Carl breaks down the C2B in an old Open Wod.   Workout 14.2 For as long

knee hurt? …knee pain does not always start at the knee but instead above or below the source….the calf, the hamstring, or the IT band…work the surrounding area —-> fix the problem. The Trigger Point & Referred Pain Guide March 5, 2014 WOD Strength    1)Deadlift (deload week) 1×5 40% 1×5 50% 1×5 60%   2) Bench Press 3×8 heaviest possible   Conditioning for time: complete 21-15-9 of  power clean

lots of catching, pushing, and swinging going down for this one. Getting those shoulders prepped is a good idea. Friday 27, 2014 WOD   Weightlifting 1) 4×4 touch and go power snatch- heaviest possible 2) 4×2 hang snatch- heaviest possible   Conditioning For time, complete the following 1000m row 50 pushups 40 kb swings 30 HSPU   RX 53/44 LV2 44/36 LV1 36/25


Feb 2014

What Is Fitness

  Published on Feb 20, 2014 A documentary about creating the ultimate test of fitness, the CrossFit Games. Nearly 12 years ago, CrossFit Founder and CEO Greg Glassman defined fitness. In 2007, the first test to find the fittest man and woman on Earth was born: the CrossFit Games. “It’s as easy as this: if fitness can be defined and measured, then it can be tested, and we can, in turn,

It may have been in the 50s the past couple of days, but the chill is back in the air tonight, and snow is on the way. Here is a recipe to warm you up. Whip it up in the morning, switch your crock pot to the low setting, and 6 hours later your kitchen will smell like Christmas again. Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 6 hours Serves: 4

The overhead squat is a tricky movement. There is a lot going on with this one, and the position puts a lot of demand on the movers body. This quick test via KStar is a good way to check to see if you are ready to hold a bar over your head while squatting. If this “jump squat” test gives you trouble, then it is important to take a step

For those planning on doing the Open WODs, and want to optimize your results, this is an interesting conversation to tune into. We all know eating well is important, but I think it is easy to forget how it matters in terms of performance. Alas, nothing beats the occasional slice of pizza and IPA combo (I prefer Pepperoni and Lagunitas personally) …but just because you exercise consistently does mean you

To most, breathing is a simple task that happens unconsciously. But breathing is both an unconscious and conscious act. SealFit founder Mark Divine states that it’s when breathing remains unconscious that its pattern becomes dysfunctional and must be corrected. The quality of our breathing affects our posture and even our health. Breathing is an essential practice many of us don’t do as much as we should. Box Breathing Box breathing

Hey, we do a lot of stuff in these four walls, Here are ten reasons why. There are ten recognized general physical skills. They are cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy. You are as fit as you are competent in each of these ten skills. A regimen develops fitness to the extent that it improves each of these ten skills. Cardiovascular/respiratory endurance – The ability

Coffee is like a ritual for most Americans. Believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, coffee is actually a pretty awesome health promoting drink when consumed right. Cutting edge science shows us that caffeine is actually an amazing therapeutic chemical that stimulates healthy brain function among other biochemical reactions. Considering it is the most widely used drug in the world, that is a relief to hear. However, whether it be

MA police, firefighters, and EMTs risked their lives to keep the people of Mass safe …and some how they still find the time to jump on boxes and swing kettlebells. Pretty awesome. Big shout out to our first responders team for showing up and kicking ass at Reebok CrossFit One today. The even was quite a show. February 18, 2014 WOD Skill Spend 20 minutes working on rope climb technique   


Feb 2014

Sunday Funday

February 17, 2014 WOD Strength Press – 3@70%, 3@80%, 3 or more @90%    Conditioning In 9 minutes, complete as much work as possible. 10 burpee 5 ground 2 overhead 10 burpee 10 ground 2 overhead 10 burpee 15 ground 2 overhead 10 burpee 20 ground 2 overhead 10 burpee 25 ground 2 overhead Rx-135/95 Lv2 105/75 Lv1- 75/45

The Problems You Got Left… are probably the difficult ones. We’d all like to find discount answers to our problems. We prefer to find the solution that’s guaranteed to work, takes little time and even less effort. Of course, the problems that lend themselves to bargain solutions have already been solved. What we’re left with are the problems that will take ridiculous amounts of effort, untold resources and the bravery

As kickass Crossfitters, we all probably know more than most about living well. However sometimes it is always visualize. One Pagers are like visual gold to keep all the information buzzin around in our heads on track.  oh and by the way, Happy Valentines Day :-0   February 14, 2014 WOD Strength Squat 1×5 65% 1×5 75% 1×5 (or more) 85%   Conditioning Complete 4 rounds of: 60 seconds ME