Maca root- the Peruvian superfood has long been used for its wide array of medicinal proporties, its ability to increase stamina, and especially for its powerful ability as an aphrodisiac.

If you have never heard of Maca, or only seen the packages at Whole Foods, here is the low down. Maca is a a tuber ….think ginger, potatoes, and turnips. But unlike some of its starchy cousins, it is amazingly nutrient dense and powerfully complex, with an array of nutrients like amino acids, phytonutrients, trace minerals, and fatty acids.

Maca is referred to as an adaptogen in the super food science world. By definition that basically means that it is able to adapt to numerous stressors in your body. It is extremely effective at controlling, balancing, and supporting stable hormone levels in both men and women, which is why it is so effective at helping with sex drive, energy, digestion, and even fertility! In other words, skip the Viagra and hit up the maca.


Well first off, this isn’t new news. Maca has been cultivated and used in the Andes for 1000s of years. Interestingly enough, it is actually the highest cultivated crop in the world! BOOM! Right off the back that should tell you just how powerful and strong this plant is.

Locals of the area used Maca on wedding nights to improve libido and fertility. Men would also snort it during hunting expeditions to boost their stamina …however there are better ways to ingest it. Trust me, from personal experience, this way isn’t that pleasant.

Most importantly and why I believe Maca is such a perfect superfood for CrossFitters, or any other athletes really, is due to its ability to oxygenate your blood. That is a big deal for anyone looking to improve their output when rock climbing, trail running, CrossFitting, back country snowboarding, or hey, even just going outside for a run. Your body’s ability to use oxygen efficiently is directly correlated to performance and energy output. Maca can help you with that.

For more info on Maca, check out superfood guru, David Wolfe talk about the “Peruvian ginseng”…

Maca taste pretty darn good with everything and can be tossed into a smoothie, in salad dressing, and even in your morning coffee. In fact along with chocolate (cacao) it makes for a tasty morning superfood coffee blast.



March 24, 2014 WOD

1 1/4 Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Ascend through all sets
**rest 90 seconds between sets**


4 rounds for time
30 DUs
20 knees to elbow
10 thruster
rx 95/65
lv2 85/55
lv1 75/45