Coffee is like a ritual for most Americans. Believe it or not, contrary to popular belief, coffee is actually a pretty awesome health promoting drink sb10063846ai-001when consumed right. Cutting edge science shows us that caffeine is actually an amazing therapeutic chemical that stimulates healthy brain function among other biochemical reactions. Considering it is the most widely used drug in the world, that is a relief to hear.

However, whether it be the taste or the jittery feeling from sippin’ on the Joe, some people simply do not like coffee. If you are one of those people then I suggest you take a look at this pretty awesome product that is coming out. I stumbled into the founder at CF Reebok One this weekend and had an awesome conversation about performance, longevity, and all that fun stuff. He dropped me a few samples of Cognitea and I was hooked from the first sip. Not only is it delicious, it is a brain blast of alpha waves.

Don’t know what an Alpha Wave is? check it out

February 19, 2014 WOD

1×3 70%
1×3 80%
1×3 (or more) 90%


5 rounds for time:
30 DUs
10 deadlifts
10 knees to elbows 
RX 225/155
LV2 165/115
LV1 95/55