For those planning on doing the Open WODs, and want to optimize your results, this is an interesting conversation to tune into. We all know eating well is important, but I think it is easy to forget how it matters in terms of performance. Alas, nothing beats the occasional slice of pizza and IPA combo (I prefer Pepperoni and Lagunitas personally) …but just because you exercise consistently does mean you can hit the cookie jar whenever you want. It will effect how you recover and therefore effect how you feel when you workout.

We know that not everyone is trying to be like Rich Froning, and that there is more to life than jumping on boxes and eating like a caveman. However, if you are going to train for something (CrossFit Open) than we humbly suggest you give it your all. If you notice the pyramid below, the bottom is nutrition. It is the base of everything above it. It is what fuels the fire.  When it comes to nutrition, there is most definitely a lot of opinions out in internet land. But a lot of them are based off of opinion, bias and general consensus….and just because there is a consensus does not mean it is true! (i.e. everyone knows whole wheat bread is healthy…it has fiber!). This chat with WellnessFX however is based off of observable, measurable, and repeatable evidence….1000s of athlete training sessions, biomarker analysis, and performance metrics tell us this works pretty well. In fact….


….Ultra-marathoner Tim Olson recently won the Western States 100-mile Endurance Run and beat the course record by 21 minutes! How did he do it? By training his fuel system.TimOlsen

CrossFit Endurance founder Brian MacKenzie recently sat down with WellnessFX CEO Jim Kean. They talked about Tim, his diet, and the body’s fuel system. Brian then goes on to share tips from his own diet during training and leading up to a competitive event.


February 22, 2014 WOD

In 20 minutes establish a 1rm clean and jerk


-Team Wod-
For time complete:
150 kb swings
200 wallballs
300 calorie row