
To most, breathing is a simple task that happens unconsciously. But breathing is both an unconscious and conscious act. SealFit founder Mark Divine states that it’s when breathing remains unconscious that its pattern becomes dysfunctional and must be corrected. The quality of our breathing affects our posture and even our health. Breathing is an essential practice many of us don’t do as much as we should.boxbreath

Box Breathing
Box breathing is a simple concentration exercise that also retrains your nervous system to breathe properly. Along with calming the nerves and relieving stress, box breathing can have enormous carryover to your physical training. Use this next time you feel stress or at the box during your next WOD.

  • Sit with your back straight, against a wall, in a chair or in a meditative posture.
  • Soften your gaze and turn your eyes inward. Focus on your count and your breath. The more you focus on your breathing, the more your mind will clear as its only focus is the task at hand.
  • Inhale through your nose for a count of 4 or 5 and hold for same count.
  • Exhale for the same 4 to 5 seconds, count and hold again for the same count. Make sure to exhale all of the air out of your lungs.
  • Repeat at least 3 times

February 21, 2014 WOD

Back Squat
1×3 @ 70%
1×3 @ 80%
1×3 @ 90%


In 11 minutes ascend the ladder:
7 front squat 95/55
10 pullups
7 front squat 115/75
10 pullups
7 front squat 135/95
10 pullups
7 front squat 155/115
10 pullup
7 front squat 185/135
10 pullup
7 front squat 205/155
10 pullup
7 front squat 225/185