The Games have begun. The worldwide search for the Fittest humans started with the Open back in February, which led us to Regionals last month, and here we are Game(s) time. The podium finishers from the 17 Regions have congregated in Carson Ca. ready to begin their first event tomorrow (to be announced tonight at the Athlete dinner). Years past has show Thurs to be an off day and the rubber hits the road on Friday and ending Sunday with $275,000 going to the winning male and female. If you’ve yet to find a favorite Athlete, 6 great people to root for are Matt Fraser and Dani Horan, Sheila Barden and James Hobart, Racheal Martinez and Craig Keeney the podium finishers from the North East Region, can’t go wrong with that crew! Good luck to all the Athletes this weekend.

Here is the information on how to watch the events: How to Watch the Games
