Apr 2012

Making Progress

Just want to say, GREAT JOB to all of our members thus far in their journey towards being more healthy, fit people!  As you have seen in the past few weeks, the mission your on isn’t going to be an easy one. You will be challenged in a way you may never have before.  The WOD’s are demanding – yeah – but the rewards are well worth it!  I mean, come on! Isn’t it going to make you feel so good being much stronger and capable than any one else around you.  These benefits are not just physical, but mental.  Be prepared to hold your head higher – that’s just the CrossFit Way!

Just another reminder, tomorrow we will attempt to make some ‘state of the art’ plyo boxes after class.  All the prep work is pretty much done, just need a few hands to help screw these puppies together and do some staining.  We should have some good food and beverage for all to enjoy. Regardless if you can make it by to lend a hand, you will all benefit from these!  See you tomorrow!

Nancy getting ready!

April 28, 2012 WOD


Push sled 40m-40m-40m-40m-40m

Pull sled 40m-40m-40m-40m-40m

15 minute amrap (as many rounds as possible) of:

4 turkish get ups /side

8 pullups

50 double unders/100 single unders