Apr 2012

Paleo Challenge!

Here at CrossFit Magnitude, we understand the importance of nutrition so in a few short weeks we will be kicking off our first Paleo Challenge for all of our members who are looking to take their fitness to the next level.  During this challenge, you will learn everything Paleo from what to buy, what to eat, how to cook it, and how to keep track of everything.  We will be right beside you the whole entire time.  We have created a fool proof method of helping you  understand the whole concept of ‘eating Paleo’ and a method of holding yourself accountable.  We can guarantee that when this challenge is over, you will be eating better than you ever have in your life, looking better than you have (probably in your whole life), and feeling better than you have (in a whole long time). On top of all of that, you will be noticing a huge improvement in your energy levels during your workouts ( because nutrition drives everything you do here at CrossFit Magnitude).  Don’t believe us, then see for yourself.  Look for a signup link on our front page coming in the next day or so.

Congrats to our first two 'Test Outs'


April 24, 2012  WOD

1) Spend 12 minutes establishing your 3 RM Back Squat

2) 4xME (max effort) pull ups

Notes: You are trying to perform the most unbroken pull ups on each of the 4 sets.  These can be dead hang or kipping pullups


Complete 5 rounds, resting 60 seconds in between, for a total time of:

10 sumo dead lift high pulls 95/65#

10 squat thrusters 95/65#

Rest 3 minutes, then:

Row 50 calories for time.