CrossFitting along with a solid diet made up of meats and veggies, nuts and seeds, fruit and little starches, is in my opinion as well as the rest of the CrossFit community, the best way to build lean muscle tissue, get stronger, burn excess body fat, and prepare yourself for the rigors of life.  I won’t rant any longer because I want you to read this article I stumbled upon about the hormonal response to intelligent exercise (CrossFit).  I hope you find it as informative as I did.  Post and discuss this matter further with your peers in the comments below!

Hormonal Exercise for Fat Loss

May 4, 2012 WOD


1a) Renegade Row 4×5

rest 60 seconds, then:

1b) Kettlebell hang high pull 4×10

rest 60 seconds, then:

1c)  Muscle Clean 4×5


For time, complete the following:

40 kb swing

100 single under/50 double under

35 kn swing

100 single under/50 double under

30 kb swing

100 single under/50 double under

25 kb swing

100 single under/50 double under

20 kb swing

100 single under/50 double under