Sorry for such short notice – tomorrow we will be holding a little Team Strong Man (woman) WOD outside.  We will be introducing some new equipment into the mix including – Flipping Tires – Push Sleds – Pull Sleds – Battling Ropes – All which will become a regular part of your CrossFit training.  I am lifting the limit size of the class for tomorrow so if you tried to reserve a spot and were denied up until this point, log on and try to reserve a spot again. If this does not work, just show up!

The new schedule reflecting the new CrossFit non-beginner level classes is being updated and will be posted tonight.

Another change taking place is the reduction in price of our spin classes.  Check back tomorrow for these new revisions.  For the people who already paid for a cycling package, please contact us as we are willing to pro-rate your existing membership to reflect these changes!

There was no shortage of Intensity today!!! Even the onlookers were in awe!
April 21, 2012 WOD

Team Challenge:

Each team will work together to complete the following for time:

3,200 meter run (2 miles) – each member has to run separately a minimum of 200m at a time

100 tire flips

500 meter sled push

500 meter sled pull

1000 meter farmers walk – carrying 52# kettle bells in each hand – no limit for each individual – partition as necessary.

Notes: This workout is for the 9:30 am class only – the 7:15 will be doing a similar workout scaled to class size.