May 2012

Open Gym

It was brought to my attention tonight that not everyone is getting in on all the fun we are having daily.  To be more specific, the people who are only coming once or twice a week are not getting in on the barrage of different exercises we do daily.  Here at CrossFit Magnitude, each and every day will be something new.  If you come consistently over a long enough period of time, you will eventually become exposed to all we have to offer – well maybe not.  We are always coming up with the latest and greatest ways of helping you improve your fitness.

For those who are coming just a few times a week and want don’t have the time to commit to more classes a week on a weekly basis but want to add an extra class in here or there for the week, we have just the solution for you.  Based on your current membership package you can buy (minimum of 5) drop in sessions that can be used when ever you would like and are valid for the duration of your membership term.  So if you’re a silver member going twice a week and want to come to an extra class that week because your schedule allows it, it is now possible without upgrading your entire membership.  Come see one of the coaches on duty next time your in for more  details.

We are also offering an open gym membership that will allow you to come during our posted down time hours to use the facility to make up a workout, work on a skill, or mobilize that restricted movement pattern.  This is available to non-members as well as current members.  See a coach for more details about hours and cost.

Can anyone tell me how this person could improve their dead lift position?


May 3, 2012 WOD


Rope Climb


Box jump 4-4-4-4-4


Team WOD

In 4 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Wall Ball 20/14#

In 3 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Push Press 65/45#

In 2 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:

Box Jump 20″

In 1 minute, complete as many reps as possible of:


Post total reps to whiteboard and comments section